Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position

To get the current position, handle the AxWindowsMediaPlayer.PositionChange event. To get notified when the current status (playing, stopped, etc.). To run this sample code on your form, you need these things with default names: a windows media player control 1 button 1 timer [drag it from toolbox. Windows Media Player control - get/set video position? Media Player ActiveX (axWindowsMediaPlayer) component in C# WinForms application. Is it possible to get and set the current position of the video that is being played using this control? Releasing a media file in Windows Media Player Control. Hot Network Questions. Today we will learn how to embed Windows Media Player into our program and play any form of media through it. Design Start a new Visual Basic Windows Application and add the following controls to it.

Active5 years, 7 months ago

I just need to know when the media player finishes of playing a song, if there is a flag or something...


3 Answers

According to MSDN, you should be able to use the PlayStateChanged event. The event is AxWMPLib._WMPOCXEvents_PlayStateChangeEvent

See the enumeration reference here . It seems that you can use wmppsMediaEnded to find out when the media stream has ended.

Bryan CrosbyBryan Crosby
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Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position

I think this gives an example in VB.net, maybe you can adapt it for your purpose: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd562692(v=vs.85).aspx

EDIT: Just noticed there's a c# solution below the VB example.


Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position Update

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Check code implementation of playstateChanged event Here


Vb.net windows media player

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Active8 years, 4 months ago

I am using Windows Media Player ActiveX (axWindowsMediaPlayer) component in C# WinForms application. Is it possible to get and set the current position of the video that is being played using this control?


Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position 2017

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1 Answer

Vb.net Windows Media Player

axWindowsMediaPlayer1.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition = positionInSeconds;

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