Turn Csv File Into Xml Validator

Convert CSV File to XML File Online Here you can Convert comma-separated or tab-separated CSV file to the XML format. Please set options below and click the Run Conversion button.

Active6 years, 3 months ago

I want to validate that an uploaded file is separated with tab delimiter. My file is not .CSV. Does anyone knows how to do this in PHP? Thanks in advance.


2 Answers

I'm not 100% clear what you are asking for (maybe you could post some examples) This might help you anyway:

Search for the tab character: 't' The double quotes are important. If you have a list of tabbed items in a string and want to turn it into an array you can use explode() and enter 't' as the first argument.

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Csv File Validation Tool

Take a look at my code in this post:

Basically, you compare the number of tabs in each row. If every row of your CSV has the same number of tabs, then it is probably a tab delimited file. Please note, this will not be the case 100% of the time, it's a good starting point for validation.

Dream IdeationDream Ideation

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Active1 year, 10 months ago

I'm struggling with the following case. I've a XML file in the following format:

I need to transform it into a CSV file. The outcome should be:

I'm using a small Python script I wrote for Notepad++ that searches and deletes everything that shouldn't be in the string. For example:

This works fine, but it messes up the sequence of attribute (since if it doesn't find <attribute type='TASK'> it doesn't places an extra ,. The outcome then is:

Making no difference between the attribute TASK and RESOURCE.

I've checked different topics but none really covered my question. Can somehelp me with a cheap trick or point me to a tool.

Vadim Kotov
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Can You Import A Csv File Into Quickbooks

2 Answers

Python Read Csv File Into Array

The data needs to be a valid xml document

Turn Csv File Into Xml Validator File

you can do somenthing like this to extract what you need

and the result will be:

and writing into csv file


Turn Csv File Into Xml Validator

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