Redgate Log Shipping Monitor

Configure Log Shipping on Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 1 Comment SQL log shipping is the process of automating the backup of a database and transaction log files on a primary (production) database server, and then restoring them onto a standby server. The SQL Server Log Shipping, requires a Primary Server, which will be used as the main Server with a database. If it fails, the other server (Secondary Server) will be used to replace the Principal Server. Optionally you can use a third server to monitor the Log Shipping. Log shipping applies to a select database. Once the principal is fixed. If you deleted and reconfigured log shipping and this is an old alert from the previous setup, you can delete it from `msdb.dbo.log_shipping_monitor_primary` You may want to drop log shipping (the current setup is presumably working) then check the table for your monitor row and delete it before reconfiguring log shipping (just to make sure you.

Active10 years, 1 month ago

I'm looking into using log shipping for disaster recovery and I'm getting mixed messages about whether to use the built-in stuff or roll my own. Which do you recommend, please, and if you favour rolling your own what's wrong with the built-in stuff? If I'm going to reinvent the wheel I don't want to make the same mistakes! (We have the Workgroup edition.) Thanks in advance.

David WimbushDavid Wimbush

6 Answers

There's really two parts to your question:

  1. Is native log shipping good enough?

  2. If not, whose log shipping should I use?

Here's my two cents, but like you're already discovering, a lot of this is based on opinions.

About the first question - native log shipping is fine for small implementations - say, 1-2 servers, a handful of databases, and a full time DBA. In environments like this, the native log shipping's lack of monitoring, alerting, and management isn't a problem. If it breaks, you don't sweat bullets because it's relatively easy to repair. When would it break? For example, if someone accidentally deletes the transaction log backup file before it's restored on the disaster recovery server. (Happens all the time with automated processes.)

When you grow beyond a couple of servers, the lack of management automation starts to become a problem. You want better automated email alerting, alerts when the log shipping gets more than X minutes/hours behind, alerts when the file copying is taking too long, easier handling of multiple secondary servers, etc. Advanced id creator crack keygen game. That's when people turn to alternate solutions.

About the second question - I'll put it this way. I work for Quest Software, the makers of LiteSpeed, a SQL Server backup & recovery product. I regularly talk to database administrators who use our product and other products like Idera SQLSafe and Red Gate SQL Backup to make their backup management easier. We build GUI tools to automate the log shipping process, give you a nice graphical dashboard showing exactly where your bottlenecks are, and help make sure your butt is covered when your primary datacenter goes down. We sell a lot of licenses. :-)

If you roll your own scripts - and you certainly can - you will be completely alone when your datacenter goes down. You won't have a support line to call, you won't have tools to help you, and you won't be able to tell your coworkers, 'Open this GUI and click here to fail over.' You'll be trying to walk them through T-SQL scripts in the middle of a disaster. Expert DBAs who have a lot of time on their hands sometimes prefer writing their own scripts, and it does give you a lot of control, but you have to make sure you've got enough time to build them and test them before you bank your job on it.

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Brent OzarBrent Ozar
12.4k7 gold badges39 silver badges66 bronze badges

Have you considered mirroring instead? Here is some documentation to determine if you could do that instead

115k23 gold badges187 silver badges216 bronze badges

If you decide to roll your own, here's a nice guide.

I'm assuming you're going this route because Enterprise Edition is so costly?

If you don't need a 'live-backup', but really just want a frequently updated backup, I think this approach makes a lot of sense.

One more thing:

Make sure you regularly verify that your backup strategy is working.

Michael HarenMichael Haren
78.6k38 gold badges152 silver badges198 bronze badges

I'm pretty sure it's available in Standard, since we're doing some shipping, but I'm not sure about the Workgroup edition - it's pretty stripped down.

I'm always in favor of the packages solution, but mostly because I trust a whole team of MSFT developers more than I trust myself, but that comes with a price for sure. I'd second that any solution you roll on your own has to come with a lag notification piece so that you'll know immediately if it isn't working - how many times do we only find out backup solutions aren't working when somebody needs a backup? Also, think honestly about how much time it will take you to design and roll your own solution, including bug fixes and maintenance - can you really do it more cheaply? Maybe you can, but maybe not.

Also, one problem we ran into with Workgroup edition is that it only supports 5 connections at once, and it seems to start dropping connections if you get more users than that, so we had to upgrade to Standard. We were getting ASP.NET errors that our connections were closed if we left them unattended for even a few seconds, which caused us all kinds of problems.


Redgate Log Shipping Monitors

23.3k32 gold badges104 silver badges184 bronze badges

I would expect this to be close to the last place you'd want to save a few bucks, especially given the likely consequences if you screw up. Would you rather have your job on the line? I don't even think I'd admit it, if I felt I had a chance of getting this one right?

Redgate Sql Monitor Download

What's your personal upside benefit in this?

33.5k13 gold badges73 silver badges130 bronze badges

I tried the built-in log shipping and found some real problems with it so I developed my own. I blogged about it here.

Redgate Log Shipping Monitoring

PS: And just for the record, you definitely get log shipping in the Workgoup edition. I don't know where this Enterprise-only thing started.

David WimbushDavid Wimbush

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One of my clients has implemented log shipping and everything was working fine. Recently they implemented a reporting tool which reported alerts that data missing for few log shipping tables. The data for “last_backup_file” and “last_backup_date is not getting updated for primary server (log_shipping_monitor_primary) and was showing null. For secondary it was reported correctly.

Based on our demonstration earlier that ethanol extract, water extract and a compound purified from garlic possessedin vitro antitubercular activity against drug resistant and susceptibleMycobacterium tuberculosis, we tried the effect of garlic extract in 30 patients of tubercular lymphadenitis. Nov 12, 2013  Antibacterial activity of garlic oil and allicin-rich extract was evaluated against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and MRSA by zone of inhibition method using amoxicillin as a standard drug [12,13]. The study was performed in triplicate and the average of 3 readings was considered. ANTITUBERCULAR ACTIVITY OF GARLIC (ALLIUM SATIVUM) EXTRACT IN COMBINATION WITH CONVENTIONAL ANTITUBERCULAR DRUGS IN TUBERCULAR LYMPHADENITIS R. Gupta 1, Sundeep Jain 1, V.Talwar 2, H.C. Gupta 2 and P.S. Garlic, modified garlic, juice and oil of garlic and allicin from garlic are known all over the. Garlic in concentrations varying from 1.4 per cent to 1.6 per cent exerts inhibitory action on the growth of tubercle bacilli in vitro. It has no anti-tubercular action in vivo. Antitubercular activity of garlic oil. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 1998 Jan;41(1):131. Anti tubercular activity of garlic oil. PMID: 9581089 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE].

Interestingly, all the jobs are working fine, and it looks like reporting was not happening correctly. Here are the various tables related to log shipping in the MSDB database.


I always rely on profiler trace to find what is working and what is not working. For comparison, I configured log shipping in my lab and captured profiler. After few hours, I was able to find that master.sys.sp_MSadd_log_shipping_history_detail is the stored procedure which is called to update

This was not happening in the client’s configuration. I also learned that log-shipping monitoring creates linked server, which is used for monitoring purposes.

Sql 2005 Log Shipping

Finally, after many rounds of analysis, we nailed down the issue. It was below error in monitor server ERRORLOG which gave is the hint.

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Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 5.
Login failed for user ‘SAMAR_sql_svc_prd’. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT: IP]

After giving permission on monitor server, we were able to see updated status and reporting was not rectified.

Redgate Monitoring Tool

Reference : Pinal Dave (