Game Countdown Timer Actionscript 3

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In this tutorial you will learn how to create a countdown timer in Actionscript 3.0. This is an update from the previous countdown in timer in AS2.The AS2 version used the setInterval function, but this has now been removed and been replaced with the Timer Class in AS3. Using timer to reverse enemy movement in Flash game made with Flixel. Ask Question 0 $ begingroup $ I am creating a 2d flash game using Flixel 2.5 in Flash Builder. Browse other questions tagged flash actionscript-3 movement timer flixel or ask your own question. 5 years, 10 months ago. 5 years, 10 months.

Using the Timer Class in ActionScript 3.0 By Blue_Chi| Flash CS3 + ActionScript 3.0| Beginner. The Timer Class in AS3 lets you execute any code repeatedly over specific time intervals. It is an extensive class which offers functionality that exceeds the older setInterval() method which is more commonly used in previous versions of ActionScript.

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Adobe Flash enables you to create dynamic animations using an intuitive interface and the ActionScript scripting language. Perhaps you want to create a countdown timer in your Flash movie that provides a countdown of days, hours, minutes and seconds to your user. Use the interface to create a text display and ActionScript to provide the coding for your countdown timer.


Launch Flash. Select “File,” then “New” to create a new file. Choose “Flash File (ActionScript 3.0),' and click “OK.”


Click the “Text” tool from the Tools panel and drag on the stage to create a text box. Press “Ctrl” and “F3” to display the Properties panel, if necessary. Change the type for the text box to “Dynamic Text.” Type an identifier in the “Instance Name” field -- for instance, “txtDisplay.”

Game Countdown Timer Actionscript 33.

Click frame 1 of the timeline. Press “F9” to display the Actions panel and type the timer code:


// run continuously function handle_timer(evt:Event):void{ // current date, year and time var cDate:Date = new Date(); var cYear = today.getFullYear(); var cTime = today.getTime(); // target: next year var tgtDate:Date = new Date(cYear+1, 0, 1); var tgtTime = tgtDate.getTime(); // time left var tLeft = tgtTime-cTime; var sec = Math.floor(tLeft/1000); var min = Math.floor(sec/60); var hours = Math.floor(min/60); var days = Math.floor(hours/24);



Game Countdown Timer Actionscript 3 Free

Select “Control” and “Test Movie” to test the countdown timer.

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About the Author

Willa Dunn has been writing since 1970. She has written website content as well as technical documentation, poetry and fiction. She specializes in gardening and technology-related articles. Dunn attended Illinois Institute of Technology and the University of Illinois, studying photography and computer science. She enjoys home gardening.

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  • Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images
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Dunn, Willa. 'How to Add a Countdown Timer in Flash.' Small Business -, Accessed 27 August 2019.
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Dunn, Willa. 'How to Add a Countdown Timer in Flash' accessed August 27, 2019.

Countdown Timer Online

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Active1 year, 11 months ago

I'm making a simple helicopter game to try and get into making flash games. I wanted to make a countdown timer that will count down from 3 seconds, then start the loop, but I'm not sure how to go about is. I don't use the frames in flash, rather I use action script (3) to make an 'ENTER_FRAME' loop, if that helps. It looks like this:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, mainLoop);

I'm sure I need to put the timer above it, I'm just not sure how to make a timer. Any advice will probably help, as I'm new to AS3, thanks.

Game Countdown Timer Actionscript 3.0

The Jive TurkeyThe Jive Turkey

2 Answers

To make a countdown timer, you can use a Timer, like this :

Hope that can help.

9,2803 gold badges19 silver badges35 bronze badges

I hope i can help you with your code. What im getting is that you try to make 3 seconds count down then start somewhere.yes you need a timer :

I hope this help.


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