Efi Es 1000 Driver Windows 7

HP PCs and Tablets - About UEFI and the Startup Menu. UEFI overview. Updating your computer firmware (BIOS/UEFI) Accessing UEFI applications. HP PCs - Using Recovery Manager to Restore Software and Drivers (Windows 7) Network Boot - Desktop. The Network Boot option allows you to boot from a network drive.

Active7 years, 1 month ago

I have three external HDDs in a USB enclosure. After a recent upgrade to Windows 7, during which these three drives were actually installed inside the PC tower, two of the three drives now have a 200 MB EFI partition, and the two drives do not show up as usable drives under either Windows 7 or Snow Leopard. One of the drives is empty; the other one, however, has a bunch of stuff on it that I want to save if possible.

How can I get back to this data? Can I simply delete the EFI partition, and all will be well? Or do I have to do something trickier? Or am I just hosed?

Peter Mortensen
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Efi Es 1000 Driver Windows 7

5 Answers

I am assuming that you originally formatted these drives on an Intel Mac (OS X) system.

Rather than paraphrasing what I've heard in other places I'll simply quote from the Wikipedia article for EFI System partition.

On Apple–Intel architecture Macintosh computers, the EFI partition is initially blank and not used for booting.

However, the EFI partition is used as a staging area for firmware updates; specifically it places a firmware flash utility (EFI binary) and data file (FD – 'Firmware Device') in the directory EFI/APPLE/FIRMWARE which is then run when rebooting the system in 'flash firmware' mode.

If deleted, the system will still boot, and the boot manager will still allow users to choose whether to start a Boot Camp partition or the default Mac OS X, but firmware updates will fail.

As I believe has been pointed out in other answers, the EFI partition is not used by Windows 7 and is not created when using a system which does not use EFI. In other words, if you are not going to use these drives as anything other than data drives then, yes, you can delete the EFI partition.

I'm afraid I did not take the time to experiment and find out if deleting the EFI partition will resolve the problems you are having with Windows 7 'seeing' your NTFS partitions on the drive. But it seems like it would be worth trying.

If I recall correctly you will not be able to delete the EFI partition from the Windows Disk Management utility. One way you could delete the EFI partition(s) is by running DISKPART from a (elevated) Window's command prompt.

I do this by first selecting the partition I want to delete and then verifying that I've selected the correct partition. Below is an example with one of my drives.

After you are sure you have selected the partition you want to delete, the command
delete part override
should delete it.

(If you don't care about any of the data on the drive and just want to repartition it, you could also use the clean command. For more info about it, type HELP CLEAN in DISKPART.)

Hope this helps.

irrational Johnirrational John
2,7583 gold badges19 silver badges37 bronze badges

I just had a similar problem and delete part or delete volume were actually crashing diskpart!

On another forum I found the command 'clean' which cleans the currently selected disk.

and now the disk is VERY clean. It does not have an MBR or GPT. In my case I wanted to install Server 2008 (not R2) and so I had to remove the GPT from a disk which had previously run Windows 7

Jay R. WrenJay R. Wren

I faced a problem with my Iomega iConnect 'seeing' one of the NTFS partitions on my external HDD.

I had to delete the EFI partition on the drive (it used to be my MBP internal drive before I replaced it) and then everything worked fine.

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If you are having problems with Windows 7 reading the NTFS drive, this could be a possible solution.

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16.3k11 gold badges50 silver badges65 bronze badges

A 200 MB partition is nothing significant by today's standard. If I were you, I wouldn't mess with it.

But, I have had an experience regarding deleting an EFI partition. I tried to delete the EFI in a Mac OS X partition. It turns out Mac OS X will not be able to read the NTFS partitions existing in the EFI harddisk. I got it fixed when I reformatted the whole harddisk to use a GUID Partition Table (GPT).

Also, I doubt there is any significant data in the EFI partition, but anyway here is how you mount it in Mac OS X:

Peter Mortensen
8,54416 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges
deddebmededdebmeEfi Es 1000 Driver Windows 7
3,1894 gold badges24 silver badges27 bronze badges

Did you try plugging the drive with the inaccessible data into the Windows 7 PC internally after discovering your issue?

I don't think it's likely that you could have somehow created an EFI partition on a drive without issuing a command to do so. Either those partitions were there before your upgrade, or you told the installer for Windows 7 to do something to create them. Check out the article Installing Windows to an EFI-Based Computer regarding systems that support both EFI and BIOS:

If Windows Setup starts in BIOS mode on a combined EFI/BIOS system, the ESP and MSR partitions are not created. After Windows Setup completes, use the Diskpart command to verify that the ESP and MSR partitions were created.

Peter Mortensen
8,54416 gold badges62 silver badges85 bronze badges

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Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is firmware code from a chip on your motherboard that provides extra functionality, beyond the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS). UEFI is a way to do things with your computer before an operating system is loaded. To name a few features, UEFI can provide extra graphic menus and system information on a computer, and basic diagnostics on both a computer and a tablet. How does it do this? UEFI works with the BIOS to initialize the computer or tablet's hardware before handing hardware control over to the operating system. UEFI can also load and display software programs from storage devices to provide even more functionality, such as more detailed system information and extended hardware diagnostics.