Batman Arkham Asylum Save Fix Cracked

Download Batman: Arkham City - 100% Save Game for PC Right Here. Choose Your Save Games, Play it Your Way. Yo does this work for cracked game?? Reply Delete. I finally cracked after a long trying Batman Arkham City: GOTY (actually the crack I got with the torrent download was not working) and played. But the game was not saving anything neither I. I have tried and placed a save file in every place I could find and they don't show up in the game, please help me out! Jump to content. My subreddits. Edit subscriptions. Where is the Batman Arkham Knight cracked save file location?

I finally cracked after a long trying Batman Arkham City : GOTY (actually the crack I got with the torrent download was not working) and played... But the game was not saving anything neither I was getting an option to save the game. I searched through the internet and found there are some real nonsense thing in saving the game in here. I did a lot of tries, but I am not getting pop-up during game-play (where the games says click to play) to create a local account. Also Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant 6.5 is not getting installed in my PC.
I have Win 8.1 Core (I think it runs cool on Win 7, I have 8.1 and that's the problem),
The game is running sweet,
Just I want is a help in saving the game.
Thanx for your time
Apr 01, 2016, 21:03 pm (This post was last modified: Apr 02, 2016, 14:24 pm by sensdeath. Edit Reason: mistakenly wrote singular word as plural)

Batman Arkham Asylum Save Game


Batman Arkham Asylum Walkthrough

I have downloaded torrent file from here:
I installed it, copied both 'steam' files from PROPHET folder and placed them in game's directory (Binaries folder). When I run the game and click on 'PLAY' game stops working.
I have Steam installed, but I think problem is with Games For Windows Live. I heard it's not available anymore for Windows 8. That's the OS I am using. But I googled 'Games For Windows Live' and instantly downloaded it from one of the first offered links. Installed it, but I am still unsure is that working properly because one exe file reports that there is no Internet connection which is not true, other one loads a window which offers me to log in. I have an account but does not want to log in. Anyways, as I recall.. I don't have to log in because crack does that for me. Unfortunately, there must be something twisty with GFWL, and I don't know how to fix it since game itself is probably working on it.
I've tried to:
-running the game as an administrator
-adding the game on Antivirus exceptions list
-allowing and blocking Internet connection for the game in Firewall
-turning off Antivirus completely
-tried running the game with all offered compatibility modes
-tried changing folder's or exe's names
-tried deleting game's folder in My Documents
-tried adding game's folder in My Documents to the Antivirus exceptions list
-installed the latest graphics driver
-tried re-installing Microsoft Visual C+ several times
-installed PhysX and DirectX several times
-tried installing the game in different disc
-tried downloading few different cracks
Nothing works. But I have to point out that deleting game's folder in My Documents prevents the crash, but it also terminates game from loading and returns me to the screen offering to play the game. That's how I got the clue this might be the problem with GFWL because if I am not wrong.. GFWL creates save files. And I actually tried to pay attention in the inside of 'SaveData' folder, while game loads.. game doesn't create anything.
I have not yet tried disabling Antivirus while installing the game, it's very late here and I'll have to go sleep now, so I'll try that later. But I am skeptical that would help, unless Antivirus secretly deletes files while game installs which I doubt it happens. Because my Antivirus would notify me about that, and setup might display the error during the installation.
I don't have much problems with installation, but with running the game.
I am little bit of suspicious of Microsoft Visual C+, PhysX and DirectX. I was just running those installation setups which came with the torrent. Does by any chance, it makes a difference if I try downloading latest of those from the net? I don't know that does make any sense, game is made in 2009.
Please help me out with this. I have the game uninstalled right now, and I am seriously tired of tried to run it. Been doing this for days and it's pain in the ass.
If you can't help me out, can you suggest me to other forum or something which might help me? I don't know where to ask, since pirating is much unwelcome in legal sites. Thanks in advance.
P.S. Here's the picture of my problem: